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  1. Hello I have tried to create an infinite slider like this website below: https://www.lamadone.studio/ I have almost recreate it but I have just an issue, the scroll is very too quick and I can't stop it. I don't know where is my issue in this code below: import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'; import t1 from "./img/activitesynchro.jpg"; import t2 from "./img/clubnatation.jpg"; import t3 from "./img/clubsauvetage.jpg"; import t4 from "./img/coursenfant.jpg"; import t5 from "./img/coursenfant2.jpg"; import gsap from 'gsap'; import fit from "math-fit"; function loadImages(paths, whenLoaded){ const imgs= []; const img0 = [] paths.forEach(function (path){ const img = new Image(); img.onload = function (){ imgs.push(img); img0.push({path, img}); if(imgs.length === paths.length) whenLoaded(img0); }; img.src = path; }); }; class Sketch{ constructor(){ this.app = new PIXI.Application({ backgroundColor: 0x1099bb, resizeTo: window }); document.body.appendChild(this.app.view); this.margin = 50; this.scroll = 0; this.scrollTarget = 0; this.width=(window.innerWidth -2*this.margin)/3; this.height = window.innerHeight*0.8; this.container = new PIXI.Container(); this.app.stage.addChild(this.container); this.images = [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5]; this.WHOLEWIDTH = this.images.length*(this.width + this.margin) loadImages(this.images, (images)=>{ this.loadImages = images; this.add() this.render() this.scrollEvent(); }) } scrollEvent(){ document.addEventListener('mousewheel', (e)=>{ this.scrollTarget = e.wheelDelta/3 }) } add(){ let parent = { w: this.width, h: this.height, } this.thumbs = [] this.loadImages.forEach((img,i)=>{ let texture = PIXI.Texture.from(img.img) const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture); let container = new PIXI.Container(); let spriteContainer = new PIXI.Container(); let mask = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE) mask.width = this.width; mask.height = this.height; sprite.mask = mask; sprite.anchor.set(0.5); sprite.position.set( sprite.texture.orig.width/2, sprite.texture.orig.height/2, ) let image = { w: sprite.texture.orig.width, h: sprite.texture.orig.height, } let cover = fit(image, parent) spriteContainer.position.set(cover.left, cover.top) spriteContainer.scale.set(cover.scale, cover.scale) container.x = (this.margin + this.width)*i; container.y = this.height/10 spriteContainer.addChild(sprite); container.interactive = true; container.on('mouseover', this.mouseOn) container.on('mouseout', this.mouseOut) container.addChild(spriteContainer) container.addChild(mask); this.container.addChild(container); this.thumbs.push(container); }) } mouseOut(e){ let e1 = e.currentTarget.children[0].children[0]; gsap.to(e1.scale,{ duration:1, x:1, y:1 }) } calcPos(scr, pos){ let temp = (scr + pos + this.WHOLEWIDTH + this.width + this.margin)%this.WHOLEWIDTH - this.width - this.margin return temp; } mouseOn(e){ let e1 = e.target.children[0].children[0]; gsap.to(e1.scale,{ duration:1, x:1.1, y:1.1 }) } render(){ this.app.ticker.add(() => { this.app.renderer.render(this.container); this.scroll -= (this.scroll - this.scrollTarget)*0.1; this.scroll *=0.9 this.thumbs.forEach(th=>{ th.position.x = this.calcPos(this.scroll, th.position.x) }) }); } } new Sketch(); Thank you in advance for your return
  2. Hello GSAP, I would like to reproduice this effect like the website below. I think I can use the scrolltrigger to use different image and scroll horizontally the whole but i would like too scroll the whole image infinitely and if possible modify the structure of each image like the website when the scroll is did. I think is it possible with GSAP solution, but maybe am taking the wrong approach here? Taking any help or suggestions. Here below the website: https://icantcontrolmyego.net/ Thanks, much appreciated.
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