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  1. Hi, Im getting the same issue on a spark Image. i also tried with a mx image and a simple uicomponent and i got the same error. I cant reproduce the same effect with a 2D tween. Im working with sdk 4.5, fp 10.2 and greensock package of the 2011-07-07 (TweenLite 11.63) And i got the same error : TypeError: Error #1009: Il est impossible d'accéder à la propriété ou à la méthode d'une référence d'objet nul. at com.greensock::TweenProxy3D/calibrateRegistration()[A]\201109_lesitetv\flex\LeSiteTv\libs\includes\com\greensock\TweenProxy3D.as:286] ... Thanks for any support
  2. Sorry it was my mistake : TweenLite.from(loaderImg, 0.75, {TransformAroundCenter:{width:startWidth, height:startHeight}, ease:Back.easeIn}); thanks
  3. Hi, Im joining this post because i have the same issue but the solution does'nt help me. I signup for a basic membership yesterday and i replaced my com.greensocks folder with the one ive downloaded in my member page. In my project, i have a view class that extends eventDispatcher and my tween is started in a mouseOver handler. I tried to activate the TransformArroundCenter pluggin everywhere in the class but always the same error (Error #1069) Here is my code : package view { import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.layout.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin, TransformAroundPointPlugin]); public class GalleryViewThumbs extends View { ... public function GalleryViewThumbs(c:Sprite) { super(); trace(TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin, TransformAroundPointPlugin]));//true } //listener for model fully loaded override public function load(e:Event = null):void { trace("first load"); loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, imageLoaded); } //model updated override public function update(e:Event = null):void { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(GalleryModelGetThumbs(model).urlSmall); loader.load( request); } //load image init private function imageLoaded(evt:Event):void { var imgContainer:Sprite = new Sprite(); imgContainer.name = String(myModel._currentIndex); container.addChild(imgContainer); var loaderImg:Bitmap = Bitmap(loader.content); imgContainer.name = String(myModel._currentIndex); imgContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onOver,false,0,true); imgContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onOut, false, 0, true); imgContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); } private function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void { var loaderImg:Bitmap = e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0) as Bitmap; ... TweenLite.from(loaderImg, 0.75, {TransformAroundCenter:{width:startWidth, height:startHeight}, ease:Back.easeIn}); } } } Thanks you for your help and your big work
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