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Everything posted by waffl

  1. Wow @akapowl not only is that precisely what I need to achieve, you've explained it so clearly that it's empowered me to do even more with this library moving forward! Thank you so much I really appreciate it, I'm not only blown away by the library but how supportive the community is to a newcomer
  2. Hello! This is my first post, I came across Scrolltrigger while initially researching scrollmagic and realized that one of the official examples (codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/eYpOZvX) is so incredibly close to what I'm hoping to achieve but i can't quite get it to work. I need to essentially scroll a large wide image horizontally from right to left, while scrolling down the page. The image needs to be fully visible (thus no taller than 90vh or so), and thus have a dynamic width. Ideally, it begins moving before it reaches the top of the screen, and the page can keep scrolling vertically before it is complete. Is something like this achievable with Scrolltrigger/Scrollmagic? I've been experimenting a bit but having difficulty I believe simply because I am not familiar with the framework. I'm finding it works when the image is near the top of the page but not at the bottom where it becomes a bit broken/jumpy. Please pardon the terribly quick sketch of what I am trying to achieve. Endless thanks in advance if someone could point me in the right direction
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