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  1. I tried some different approaches, but haven't really found an ideal solution. I could scale up/down the element, but not when then element were near horizontal center of viewport.
  2. I totally understand and I appreciate all the help ? Could you point to example, where the timing of a tween within a timeline is calculated based on a distance? In this case I guess I need to specify that the tween with scale: 1 should should last longer than the first and last tween. Maybe 80% of viewport width.
  3. I was able to simulate the effect a bit more in this Pen: https://codepen.io/bjarnefyrstenborg/pen/JjRymaj However I guess it has some calculation issues, since in doesn't scale up in center of viewport for all items, which can have different width. Furthermore is there a way to tell to keep the scale: 1 animation for a longer period, e.g in 80% of viewport width in center, while start scaling up/down at left and right part of viewport?
  4. Hi Zack Thanks for the link. It is something similar to the example here I need, although the boxes should aligned at bottom instead of vertically centered. For the specific use-case I have x number of items with a class, which should scale to 1 in center of viewport and on left and right e.g. scaled to 0.5 Furthermore in this case it is only a vertically scroll, which then scroll this "scroller" horizontal until it reach end.
  5. Hi I saw this great example using ScrollTrigger with horizontal sections/items and + draggable. This seems to work great, but I would also like to adjust this to simulate a scale up/down effect, so when scrolling items from right start from e.g. 50% size and scales to 100% in center of viewport and scales down again to 50% at left in viewport. Ideally it would be great in the item(s) could be at 100% when these are within a range in center of viewport, e.g. between 20/30% from left and 70/80% from right. I have create a pen here: https://codepen.io/bjarnefyrstenborg/pen/bGwrePb I would like if the items could scale down when reaching viewport on left side as well. Furthermore I have used ScrollTo plugin to scroll to the section/item, but it doesn't seem to scroll enough. It would be great to scroll the item all to the left of the viewport or better scroll to the item, with the item horizontal in center of the viewport. For last item if would just be scroll all to the right on the horizontal scroller.
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