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Yellow Car

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  1. Follow up question... Can you explain why you suggested this solution? What exactly is going on here?
  2. Prasanna, Yes. This did indeed solve my problem. Thank you very, very much. -yc
  3. contents of .nmprc are... //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=********-****-****-****-************ @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com (asterisks added only for sake of posting to this message board)
  4. PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch> ls Directory: C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 4/26/2021 9:29 PM 110 .npmrc -a---- 4/26/2021 9:27 PM 205 package.json
  5. So, I rebooted my pc just in case that might help. Then I made an empty folder. I ran npm init there to create the package.json file. I then created the .npmrc file and copied code as suggested by my gsap install instructions. I tried to clean cache, but as noted above, this led to npm errors saying the cache cannot get corrupted. Then I tried again with... npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/business Errors are the same as before... PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch> npm init This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file. It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults. See `npm help init` for definitive documentation on these fields and exactly what they do. Use `npm install <pkg>` afterwards to install a package and save it as a dependency in the package.json file. Press ^C at any time to quit. package name: (hopscotch) version: (1.0.0) description: entry point: (index.js) test command: git repository: keywords: author: license: (ISC) About to write to C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch\package.json: { "name": "hopscotch", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC" } Is this OK? (yes) PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch> npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/business npm ERR! code E403 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness/-/business-3.6.1.tgz - You must be logged in to install/publish packages. npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or npm ERR! 403 on a server you do not have access to. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2021-04-27T01_30_11_563Z-debug.log PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\hopscotch>
  6. npm cache clean gives these errors... PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\donut> npm cache clean npm ERR! As of npm@5, the npm cache self-heals from corruption issues npm ERR! by treating integrity mismatches as cache misses. As a result, npm ERR! data extracted from the cache is guaranteed to be valid.
  7. 1. I am using NPM. 2. Yes, I cleared my lock file. 3. No, I did not clear my cache. I do not know how to do that, actually. If you can clarify, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your suggestions. -yc
  8. So I tried opening this link in my browser (chrome). And it just shows the error in my browser as json data. This is the same browser I am using to post this message, so I don't see how I could be "not logged in". { "error": "You must be logged in to install/publish packages." }
  9. 6 months ago, I succeeded to install gsap business and all worked great. but today I decided to start a new project and I can not get gsap/business to work. I did put the appropriate code in my .npmrc file. but when I run npm install, I get errors about not being logged in. (logged into what? In my browser I am logged into gsap. And also github. What else can I possibly log in to?) PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\donut> npm install gsap@npm:@gsap/business npm ERR! code E403 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2fbusiness/-/business-3.6.1.tgz - You must be logged in to install/publish packages. npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or npm ERR! 403 on a server you do not have access to. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2021-04-26T22_02_43_858Z-debug.log PS C:\Users\chris\vscode\donut>
  10. Thanks, Jack, but your suggestion did not help. What did help was editing the end of gsap/package.json to look like so.... "version": "3.5.1" ,"browserify": { "transform": [["babelify", { "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"] }]] } }
  11. This is the exact problem I am having now using gsap with this build command... "buildx": "npx browserify ./src/main.ts -p tsify -t [ babelify --extensions .ts] > ./dist/index.js" Unfortunately, I am way too dumb to understand the issues here in depth. And the simple fix of editing node_modules/gsap/package.json seems not to change anything at all. Is there a wise sage available to give me some tips about what to try next? Thanks! -c p.s. Superfluous details you probably don't really need... All was good when I was just importing gsap core. But I am trying to use morpSvg now and I get the error... C:\...******....\node_modules\gsap\MorphSVGPlugin.js:12 import { getRawPath, reverseSegment, stringToRawPath, rawPathToString, convertToPath as _convertToPath } from "./utils/paths.js"; ^ ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module' My typescript code looks like this... import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { MorphSVGPlugin } from "gsap/MorphSVGPlugin"; gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin);
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