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  1. Thank you ZachSaucier and Greensock for your responses. What I needed was exactly what you said Greensock, mapping a single x to y value on a custom bezier curve. And indeed CustomEase was what I needed. So this is how I will be mapping my values: const myEase = CustomEase.create("myEase", "M0,0 C0,0 0.056,0.442 0.175,0.442 0.294,0.442 0.332,-0.005 0.332,-0.005 0.332,-0.005 0.414,1 0.671,1 0.991,1 1,-0.005 1,-0.005"); const x = .5; const y = myEase(x); Many thanks again ?
  2. Hi, I am building an application that does not require to play a tween animation. Instead, all I need is to provide gsap with a custom bezier curve and ask it to return me what the y-value of this curve be for a given x-value. Example: imagine a tween that would fade in a red light. Instead of playing the animation, only ask gsap "hey gsap, what would be the alpha value of my red light at t = 0.5sec?" I've been scratching my head with this problem but I seem to lack some understanding to find my answer. Thank you.
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