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Posts posted by kamcauley

  1. @GreenSock - any thoughts on my second question?


     I added in the functionality so that the year markers on the timeline track are clickable and will scroll using the Draggable scrollProxy object (line 50 in my code) - but I want to be able to add an animation to that as well. Is that possible with my current methods or do I need to rebuild to something more like the slider with the navigation example?

  2. Hi there!


    My timeline example:


    I built this draggable timeline based on this demo: 

    See the Pen ALvYEO by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


    Everything came together rather well except the dragTL.scrollProxy.left(); doesn't maintain the inertia, like in the example, when you drag on the timeline scrubber and it snaps to the point on the timeline. In the example, when the knob snaps to one of the markers the slides smoothly scroll into position but in my example, they jump into place. I'm wondering if there is a way to pass in the "gsap.to" functionality to the scrollProxy object. I'm still very green with GSAP and javascript in general.


    Also, I added in the functionality so that the year markers on the timeline track are clickable and will scroll using the Draggable scrollProxy object - but I want to be able to add an animation to that as well. Is that possible with my current methods or do I need to rebuild to something more like this example

    See the Pen yLbOwOa by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen




    See the Pen vYjGmYZ by kmcauley (@kmcauley) on CodePen

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