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  1. I used Scrolltrigger insead of scrolltrigger. (sorry can't find how to delete the post)
  2. // Anim Project let tlproject = gsap.timeline({ScrollTrigger : { trigger:".category-button",start:"bottom bottom",}}); tlproject.from(".category-button", {x:200, opacity:0,duration:0.2,stagger:0.1,ease:"slowMo"}) tlproject.from('.portfolio_gallery', {opacity:0,duration:2,ease:"linear"}) Hi everyone, I can't understand why the scrollTrigger is not working, the animation start on load instead of scroll ? This one without using timeline is working well on the same page : gsap.from(".ctn-image", { scrollTrigger:{ trigger:'#contact', start:"top center", toggleActions:"restart none reverse pause" }, y: 500, ease:"powerIn", opacity:0, duration:1, });
  3. blopiblop


    Thank you very much, I'm just starting using GSAP and I'm amazed by the product and also the availability of the community to help newbies like me. Wish you a good day.
  4. blopiblop


    Hello everyone, some guy of the team wanted to add Swup to our project. Did you had to manage a project with both Swup + Gsap, if so how did you managed the animation layer of the project. I thought about keeping the "arrival" animations actualy done on the timile gsap when the page load and then use swup only for the leaving animations, what do you think of this (and how do you do it) ? Or do you use Gsap for both arrival and leaving effects and use Swup just for SPA effect + little transition animation between pages ? I can't find any topic on the web on how to use both of those tools.
  5. Hi Paul, this is looking great, thank you very much !
  6. Hello there, I can't fins any exemple on animating lottie files with ScrollTriger, I juste want to do basic things like play the lottie animation on Scroll ?
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