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Fredrik Vestin

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Posts posted by Fredrik Vestin

  1. 20 hours ago, Cassie said:

    Sounds tricky but the same logic stands.

    You'd likely need to call refresh multiple times during the course of that section opening. If you used a GSAP tween to open it instead of a CSS animation (we recommend not mixing the two anyway) you could possibly call scrollTrigger.refresh() in a callback?


    gsap.to(element, { 
      height: 500,
      onUpdate() { 

    Not sure whether that would do the job or if it would still jump. Worth a shot? 

    Thank you for the suggestion! I will try it!

  2. 1 hour ago, _Greg _ said:


    you need to refresh ScrollTrigger after css animation was finished. Check ScrollTrigger.refresh()

    Also i add markers: true to display result of refresh (just for debug)

    Also pin: true is the same like pin: ".pinned-section", by default pin pinning trigger element






    Thank you! It gets much better with the refresh, but if you scroll directly after clicking you still get a jump (I guess the scrolling occurs before the refresh). Is there any way of getting rid of that too or is it something one has to live with?

  3. I am using ScrollTrigger together with Locomotive for smooth scrolling. I liked the look of the Locomotive scrollbar when using just Locomotive but now, for some reason, ScrollTrigger adds an overflow-y: scroll to the scroll container making a standard browser scroll-bar show at all times and underneath the Locomotive scroll-bar when it is visible. I saw that it's the same in the codepen example shown on the ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy() documentation page.

    Is there any way to get rid of the browser scrollbar in a good way when using ScrollTrigger and Locomotive? I tried setting overflow: hidden !important; on the element in my css but that results in the scrollbar showing very briefly before disappearing (like a flicker).

    See the Pen 1dc38ca14811bc76e25c4b8c686b653d by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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