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Fredrik Vestin

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  1. Thank you! It gets much better with the refresh, but if you scroll directly after clicking you still get a jump (I guess the scrolling occurs before the refresh). Is there any way of getting rid of that too or is it something one has to live with?
  2. Hi, I'm having a problem with pinned objects below expandable objects. As you can see in the codepen the pinning works before you expand the fold out. If you scroll down after expanding it the pin jumps and behaves weird afterwards. What do I do to be able to pin elements below elements that change the height of the page?
  3. Thank you so much! I figured since locomotive sets html and body to overflow: hidden when you activate smooth scroll I wouldn't have to, but setting overflow: hidden in my own css helped. I guess it manages to paint with the scrollbar just before the classes get applied that sets hidden on html and body.
  4. I am using ScrollTrigger together with Locomotive for smooth scrolling. I liked the look of the Locomotive scrollbar when using just Locomotive but now, for some reason, ScrollTrigger adds an overflow-y: scroll to the scroll container making a standard browser scroll-bar show at all times and underneath the Locomotive scroll-bar when it is visible. I saw that it's the same in the codepen example shown on the ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy() documentation page. Is there any way to get rid of the browser scrollbar in a good way when using ScrollTrigger and Locomotive? I tried setting overflow: hidden !important; on the element in my css but that results in the scrollbar showing very briefly before disappearing (like a flicker).
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