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Everything posted by TravisShipley

  1. Using the same tween probably isn't important. I just wasn't able to find a good way to have a tween replace itself with an inverted copy. I could probably emit an event from each onComplete and then rebuild the timeline. Keeping the rotation at (0,0,0) was more of an issue with three.js and handling objects in 3d space. It's the reason for all the state manipulation.
  2. I attempted that at one point, and perhaps there's a clever way to get that solution to work, but I wasn't able to figure it out for my use case. Part of the problem is related to the way I'm doing rotations on the 26 three.js objects that make up the cube. It's MUCH simpler if the cubes that make up the puzzle have a rotation of (0,0,0) at the start of every move (simpler for me to understand at least). You can see the work in progress here www.solvethecube.ca It's just a little vanity project, but it makes heavy use of gsap.
  3. Mine is sort of a strange, specific use case that probably isn't well suited to the gsap general audience. I am animating the faces of a rubiks cube with ScrollTrigger. When I scroll up I want the animation to play in reverse. That's simple enough, however, at the end of each turn of the cube I reset the rotation and the actual stickers are moved so that the state of the cube is always the same each time I ask it to rotate a face. I was able to achieve what I wanted by using a fromTo with function values that checks the direction of the scrollTrigger and then inverts the start and end values. I use onComplete and onReverseComplete to invalidate the tween so that it resets the rotation props on each play through. It would have been more straight forward to just check the scroll direction and flip the runBackwards flag, but I doubt many others have needed that ability. More useful though would be a list of which properties do or do not accept function-based values. I wasn't able to find that. I'd also like to mention that it's really amazing how many features and options you guys have built into gsap. Incredible work.
  4. It seems that the runBackwards property cannot accept a function value. In fact if you try giving it a function value it will always evaluate to true. Perhaps there is something I'm missing. I just wanted some clarification on whether this is intended behaviour or a bug. For example: gsap.to(".box", { runBackwards: () => false, x: 300 }); This will run backwards.
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