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  1. Hello @ZachSaucier Thanks a lot it works perfectly ! I think my next step as developer will be to learn how to correctly read a doc ?
  2. Hello Today I encountered an issue while trying to use gsap/Draggable in a Nuxt project I've imported the plugin like so : import { gsap } from 'gsap' import { Draggable } from 'gsap/Draggable' gsap.registerPlugin(Draggable) But here is the error I get : Could someone explain me if there are a particulary maniupulation to use gsap plugins in Nuxt ? Thank you in advance for your time !
  3. Hello @ZachSaucier Thank you very much for this information and for your reactivity ! I'll remember this for my future projects Have a good day !
  4. Hi everybody I recently learn how to implement a basic slider by using the Draggable plugin. But as you can see on this sandBox the drag effect work but has no transition. https://codesandbox.io/s/upbeat-browser-q8ox7?file=/index.html However I wrote the exact same code on code pen by importing the plugin via cdn and as you can see it works If anybody could help my to demistify this issue it would bu very cool ! Thank you in advance !
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