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Everything posted by bramroos

  1. Awesome stuff, works very nicely! Hope to learn more of this Thank you very much!
  2. Hi all, I'm working on my new website and I'm very new to GSAP, so I 'borrowed' a very nice letter animation: codepen.io/lucasvallenet/pen/rGpmXN In the JS the ease trows up a conflict with my offcanvas handled by Foundation. Is there another way I can handle the transition in the code below so I can avoid the conflict? Any other ideas? On a side note, all works fine on my local server. On production the two just don't work together. Any help is much appreciated. const tl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: () => tl.restart() }); const $logo = document.getElementById('logo') const duration = .6 const ease = 'expo.out' tl .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#f", duration, ease }, '+=2') .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#u", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#l", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#lr", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#s", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#t", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#o", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#r", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#y", duration, ease }) .to($logo, { morphSVG: "#logo", duration, ease })
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