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  1. I have installed gsap with npm , so i assume i have the most recent version, to handle the resize i force a ScrollTrigger.Refresh() on window resize event so it should work correctly, and it does, when i go to flexible emulator mode, the problem arise when i snap form ipad to iphone viewports etc, but probably is only an emulator issue.
  2. I found a live version that can rapresent the same problem i do have https://www.williamrchase.com/scroll_trigger_demo/ As you can see if you use the mobile emulator with touch emulation on you see the animations on scroll triggering at a different time. (and some other issues). Not sure if this is a css related issue or what.
  3. Yes i do understand that, but as i tried i couldn't reproduce the issue on code pen, therefore i'm lost i can't upload all the project inside it.
  4. I made a demo https://codepen.io/tropicalAd/full/wvWzmvb but i can't reproduce the issue here not sure if it is due to code pen viewer or something else, also i noticed that scroller markers do not appear in my live version (not the demo) always only on android mobile or the browser mobile emulator with touch emulation, what could be the issue?.
  5. Hi everyone, new to gsap and animations, and i have a question, do i have to set something specific to get scrolltrigger properly triggering on mobile? The problem is that the onEnter callback does not fire when the element .trigger reaches the top of the viewport while scrolling down but quite a lot later, i have this problem only in fixed viewport of the browser mobile emulator while the touchscreen emulator is enabled and on android devices. ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger:".trigger", start:"top top", end:"bottom bottom", pin:".pin", onEnter: self => console.log(self.isActive) }); Thanks in advance
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