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    France, Paris

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  1. Makes more sense, thanks for your answer !
  2. Hello! I just faced a problem where overwrite: 'auto', is not overwriting pending staggered items. In the codepen, you can easily reproduce by clicking the show button and then quickly the hide button (while the "show" timeline is still animating), or by pressing the simulate button (which show then hide quickly). The issue is that the elements currently showing using a stagger, are not going to be "overwrited" by the hiding timeline that is not using any stagger. I guess that's because the overwrite: 'auto' of the "show" will be applied when the staggered items start animating, so it will overwrite the tween applied in the "hide". I I believe that this should not behave like that, but maybe I am wrong and this is the expected behaviour. Waiting for your answer! Thanks !
  3. Hello, I just upgraded to 3.12.1 from 3.11.5, and ScrollTrigger crash when I go to a page with a scroll restauration, containing a ScrollTrigger with {once: true}. I can't manage to reproduce it in a Codepen, I still did one: https://codepen.io/benjaminrobinet/pen/ZEmBBVq... I feel like ScrollTrigger is trying to refresh an already killed (due to the once: true) one. I have errors like: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'end') const tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { start: 'top 90%', end: 'bottom 10%', trigger: '.element', once: true, toggleActions: 'play none play none', }, });
  4. @Rodrigo I might have a guess for the issue: I use gsap matchMedia scope for my ScrollTriggers, so when I resize, sometimes the ScrollTrigger is re-created then the action of the previously created ScrollTrigger won't be called. As a fix, in my case I could just use the cleanup function of the scope. Sorry for not having been clear enough. Thanks for your help
  5. @Rodrigo Hello! Sorry for my late answer. In the video I console.log in different actions callbacks (enter, enter back, leave, leave back). As you can see when I "leave back" the trigger when resizing, the action is not called.
  6. Hello, I have an issue I can't manage trop reproduce in a simple codepen (available here: https://codepen.io/benjaminrobinet/pen/QWZJEEQ?editors=1111) but as a demo, here is a video where the "bug" occurs. I don't have any specific ScrollTrigger configuration. My ScrollTrigger config in the video is the exact same one as the one in the codepen. I use Lenis, added it in the Codepen too, and it looks like it is not the issue here compress-Enregistrement de l’écran 2023-05-19 à 13.06.57.mp4
  7. @Rodrigo The normalizeScroll() of GSAP is a bit unstable on iOS, might need to go on alternatives like Locomotive Scroll (but the goal is to avoid that) @GreenSock Well seen, didn't thought about this issue... The fact is that if using ignoreMobileResize and having a scrubbing ScrollTrigger at bottom of the page (end of the scroll) with something like {end: 'bottom bottom'} -> The end of the trigger will never reach the end of the scroller. A simple reproduction of the issue: https://codepen.io/benjaminrobinet/pen/YzvLEvJ (as Codepen uses an Iframe, the ignoreMobileResize won't be very useful here, but you got the idea. It is like having 'bottom 75%'). Do you have any idea on how to handle that ?
  8. Hello ! I was thinking of a modification in the implementation of ignoreMobileResize. It is a pretty cool feature that I like to use for many animations controlled by ScrollTrigger. I think it is mainly used to avoid safari "issue" when having the navigation appearing / disappearing. And it avoid having "jumps" on scrubbed animations. But for triggered animations ("actions") I often do not need to have this option enabled (cause it calls the leave (back) of a ST, even if it is still in the viewport). So I was wondering if it could be possible to have it more as a ScrollTrigger instance option instead of a global config ?
  9. I was thinking of that, but isn't the "from" with immediateRender supposed to be executed like a set ? or more likely a element.style.property = 'value'? Cause except if I'm wrong, GSAP doesn't wait for a RAF to set theses properties ? And as you can see in the video I sent, the paragrapgs are in opacity: 0; at first frame ? and then flicker to opacity: 1; to go back to opacity: 0; ? EDIT: In the exemple I sent, it make sens that a FOUC happends.. But in my code, I create the animations on behind a loader. The loader only disappear after, but I still have this issue. It makes sense to me if the "from" is applied on a RAF, maybe you can confirm it ?
  10. Hello all ! I reproduced a bug I found using fromTo (tested on chrome & safari on macOS). When using fromTo with an opacity (and a transform) and a stagger, I have a flickering issue. The codepen linked is supposed to reproduce the issue. But as it doesn't always happens, I recorded a video of it. I highly recommend to download it and to seek it / slowmo it to show what is happening. reproduce-flickering.mp4 Thank you everyone !
  11. Hello everyone, Codesandbox Code: https://codesandbox.io/s/romantic-snow-gfq88?file=/src/index.js Codesandbox Full Page preview: https://gfq88.csb.app/ (Can't reproduce on codepen, as it is a fixed height iframe...) I would like to make a background element to be pinned through the content. But using iOS and a 100vh height, I have this problem: First screen: While scrolling and having the navigation UI bar closed, the element is not full height Second screen: same problem, even after reaching the trigger element end Third screen: everything is fine if the navigation UI bar is open. Edit: On the first screen, the problem of the "not full height" seems to occurs only cause of the "in-app" Telegram browser. On safari, it is real full height using 100vh. Feel free to ask me any question if its not clear enough for you Thanks for your help !
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