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  1. Hello! Is it a bug or I don't understand something? In this pen gsap before animating scale suddenly manually set it to 1 before animation. So, for example, when in css scale=0 and i want to animate to scale =1, animation doesn't happened. Why is it so?
  2. Yes, I founded it right now, but thanks!
  3. Hi! I noticed something strange that I can't understand. Maybe you can help? Why does animation work only the first time? How you can see in the console, onEnter action always fired, but animation only one time! Thanks in advance! Alexandr
  4. O, thanks for answer from first-hand. I spend two hours trying to debug it and to figure out what i'm doing wrong and what is the logic behind such behavior. At last I move code from gsap.defaults - and all works! Defaults with modifiers used because all tweens in timeline will be using two ways, and second way is mirror the first around center. It's for slider prev and next animation. Perhaps, as always, there are many other ways to do this, but i'm only few day with greensock and watch tutorial where use this way. It will be great if you provide more info about x/yPercent, because short info from greensock on this topics is not enough for me, after some experiments around it I assume I received some basic understanding what is going on under the hood, but I want to check is it correct, so any further info will be very helpfull. Thanks in advance
  5. Question was: why it doesn't work in gsap.defaults?
  6. Its a slider, modifiers used for reverse animation when user click the "prev" button. I found that animation is not reversed when I move modifiers to gsap.defaults, that's why i recreate simplified version here.
  7. Hello! I'm studying ihatetomatoes project, and found some strange here. I recreate it in my codepen attached. Question - when i move modifiers from gsap.defaults to tween, it work as should, reverse animation and console show x as should - negative numbers. But when modifiers in gsap.gefaults, animation is not reversed, and console show x as positive values. Why so totally different behaviour???? Thanks in advance for your help!
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