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  1. Hey Mikel, Thanks for this awesome example, this is exactly what i was looking for! So if I understand correctly, I have to use the Gsap scrolltrigger cdn and register it. Then I have to apply it like in my example below? var tween = gsap.to("#rec", { duration: 5, paused: true, ease: "none", motionPath: { path: "#path", align: "#path", autoRotate: true, alignOrigin: [0.5, 0.5] }, scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#path", scrub:2 } }).pause(0.001); Greetz, Gentian
  2. Hi Zach, after reading your message carefully it made alot of sense, thanks! I have one more question: Is there any solution to easing the ball? I don't know to explain it very well. But i want it to run smoother over the path. I've tried changing the 'ease: "none"' to 'ease: easeOutCubic" but i don't see any difference. What I try to do is to make the ball run smoother over the path on scroll and not to stop suddenly after each scroll. Like when you hit a ball in real life, it doesn't stop suddenly but it slows down smoothly. Thanks in advance, Gentian
  3. Hi Zach, Thanks for the fast response! I understand like 25% of what you have written, but I'm gonna try my best!
  4. I'm sooo captivated by the header of your website. It's such a cool animation how it's all moving and it collects when hovering over a nav-link. Do you have a tutorial on how it's done? I just started programming and I hope i will, someday, be able to do 1/10 of what you can do. Such a big inspiration! (Sorry for the bad English) Greetz, Gentian
  5. Hi everyone, I'm a noob who just started programming a few months ago, so i will probably ask some stupid questions. Sorry in advance. I followed a code from code pen where an object follows a path on scroll. I made my own path on Figma using the pen tool. I want to make a golfbal that follows a path and falls in a hole. I'm trying to center the ball (it should stay centered on the screen) on scroll and I want to animate it slower. I also want it to fall in a hole, so it can't scroll back up when someone passes the path length. I can't find a proper explanation anywhere or maybe i'm not looking correctly. It would be awesome if someone can help! Edit: I know a golfball doesn't have this trajectory, but my boss doesn't want an almost straight line Thanks in advance, Gentian
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