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  1. @GreenSock Thank you very much for your help! This should work
  2. Hello, and thanks for your help! I'm trying to do a visual Match Engine for a game I'm working as a hobby (it's the first time using Gsap & Pixi) and I'm experiencing a weird issue (at least for me). So, I'm using PIXI to create the canvas and the objects, and MotionPath to move the objects around in a top-view 2D-plane. The players (the objects) receive commands from my server (a X & Y cartesian coordonates pair). My problem is that - if a player decides to stay on his position (remain in the same place) the animation does a weird thing (it moves around left-right-left-right a few times, before stopping where it shouldn't). If I cut the array just before he needs to stay in the same place, the animation works as expected. The code I'm using to animate the object: this.timeline.to(this.object, { motionPath: events, duration: 10, ease: 'power1.inOut' }); Where events is an array of objects coming from the server: 0: Object { x: 36, y: 74 } 1: Object { x: 44.28, y: 79.3 } 2: Object { x: 60.84, y: 88.84 } 3: Object { x: 86.6, y: 102.62 } 4: Object { x: 119.72, y: 122.76 } 5: Object { x: 162.04, y: 146.08 } 6: Object { x: 212.64, y: 175.76 } 7: Object { x: 220, y: 180 } 8: Object { x: 220, y: 180 } Any idea why this is happening and what I could do to avoid it? Players should have the possibility to wait in the same place if needed. Thanks a lot! EDIT: I added a CodePen to show the issue exactly!
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