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  1. Hello All, I'm looking to develop a mind-map-style web application and I'm wondering if GSAP/Draggable would be a good framework for such an application? I'm primarily a backend developer Golang, Rust and JavaScript, and I found GreenSock while looking for information on draggable SVGs. I'm a fair ways out of my comfort zone here so forgive me if this comes as a newb question. Needless to say, I've been quite impressed by GreenSock and particularly by how helpful the community is on the forums. I've looked and many examples in the forums showcasing dragging, snapping, etc. So far, I've got a central top and main topics working, draggable, with connecting lines. I've got to figure out how to have a left side and a right side, and have topics draggable to each side as containers. Adding and removing topics is also a big requirement. I've looked at all kinds of options such as yFils, D3, GoJS, etc., however, I really want to learn how to develop as much as I can myself. I have quite a few features I plan to develop long-term, which would be quite unique, and would make using a framework quite painful I imagine. I also have some ideas that could require motion and animation (SVG), which is another reason why I'm looking at GSAP as well. I guess I'm wondering if anyone has experience here with this type mind-map-style layout and if there are any opinions of whether GSAP/draggable plus my own work could get me to where I want to be or if I should be looking at an alternative solution? Thanks! Caz
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