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Posts posted by Orzech1080

  1. Hello :)


    First I wanna say I'm fairly new to GSAP and Pixi.js (and JS animations too TBH :P ). I tried to search for this topic on the forums but couldn't find an answer.


    So I have this graphics object and I'm trying to animate a simple circle. I'm doing this by tweening its radius and redrawing the circle in the ticker loop. 

    What I don't understand is why the tween starts faster than the ticker itself. This isn't clearly visible on Codepen, but when I run this on a browser the logs start with radius being 30-40px wide. I've read in the docs the tween waits for the 1st tick of the ticker. But it clearly does not. (Or does it? I thought ticker starts when the browser is ready and the 1st animation frame is requested..) I also tried starting the ticker on window.load, but the result is the same.


    Am I doing something wrong? How can I prevent this without putting a delay into the tween? 

    See the Pen yLOrByJ by orzech1080 (@orzech1080) on CodePen

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