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Everything posted by pinguwien

  1. Hey Carl, you shouldn't be sorry. You help me that much, so first of all, i want to thank you for that! I made another solution, with scrollRectPlugin and masks. It works, too, so perhaps you can do something with it private function scrollit(scrollSprite:Sprite,scrollouttime:Number){ var rect:Sprite = new Sprite(); rect.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000); rect.graphics.beginFill(0); rect.graphics.drawRect(30,80,815,400); rect.graphics.endFill(); maskMC.addChild(scrollSprite); maskMC.addChild(rect); scrollSprite.cacheAsBitmap = true; rect.cacheAsBitmap = true; scrollSprite.mask = rect; addChild(maskMC); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite,3,{delay:2,x:30,y:80,alpha:1,dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:1}}); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 8, {delay:5,scrollRect:{ top:scrollSprite.height-400, bottom:scrollSprite.height}}); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 8, {delay:14,scrollRect:{ top:0, bottom:scrollSprite.height}}); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 1, {delay:24+scrollouttime,alpha:0}); } scrollSprite = image, rect = mask, maskMC = container, scrollouttime = i need this function more often with different fadeouttimes... so i should call it fadeoutdelay. example: http://nie-wieder.net/philomelostest/an ... /test.html (you have to wait a minute for the first lightbox to disappear 'cause the timeout for the animation is too high yet... come on, let's get a coffee, i'll pay )
  2. Hi Carl, Sorry, I went to bed... was a little bit frustrated. Thank you very much for posting this example. The Problem is, my picture is larger than my stage, but the part shown should be centered on the stage. I uploaded my animation with your code -> http://nie-wieder.net/philomelostest/an ... /test.html perhaps this shows my problem better. edit: My Mask-Try looked like this: call: TweenMax.fromTo(page1complete,2,{x:xPos, y:yPos, scale:0.1, alpha:0},{autoAlpha:1,x:30,y:80, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:1},scale:.975,onComplete:scrollit, onCompleteParams:[page1complete]}); private function scrollit(scrollSprite:Sprite){ var rect:Sprite = new Sprite(); rect.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000); rect.graphics.beginFill(0,0); rect.graphics.drawRect(30,80,800,400); rect.graphics.endFill(); maskMC.addChild(rect); maskMC.addChild(scrollSprite); scrollSprite.cacheAsBitmap = true; rect.cacheAsBitmap = true; scrollSprite.mask = rect; addChild(maskMC); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite,0,{alpha:1, x:100}); //TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 3, {scrollRect:{ top:-scrollSprite.height, bottom:0}, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); } tried to do it like done here: http://help.adobe.com/de_DE/ActionScrip ... -7e0b.html. Weird thing is, well... look at the picture looks like the rect is _over_ the picture, but I don't know how to change it. (playing with addChild didn't work). I've the feeling i'm making every possible mistake.
  3. First of all, thank you for this awesome framework. It saved me tons of work. Great Job! Second.. do you use a mask or s.th. like that in the scrollRect-Plugin-example? I tried to get it to work as in the example, but it doesn't work as expected. I have a really big picture (sprite) and this function: protected function scrollit(scrollSprite:Sprite){ TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 6, {setSize:{width:scrollSprite.width,height:400},scrollRect:{left:0,right:scrollSprite.width,top:scrollSprite.height-400,bottom:scrollSprite.height}}); TweenMax.to(scrollSprite, 6, {delay:6.5,setSize:{width:scrollSprite.width,height:300},scrollRect:{left:0,right:scrollSprite.width,top:0, bottom:scrollSprite.height-400}}); } } Where the big picture is the scrollSprite. Now the Picture should scroll from start to end of picture, but the pic itself disappears completely when the animation ends. So I'm confused. What I want is a "transparent" layer, width 800, height 200, where the big picture's scrolling inside form top to bottom, and back.. but it should only appear inside my "mask" (i tried to to it with setSize, but the picture shows bigger as it should) I tried to add a flash mask too, but when I added my mask-sprite, the whole thing disappeared just when the animation should've started. Can you, or anybody, please, please help me? I'm kind of desperate right now (4:37 am, sitting here for 3 hours but this masks just won't work). Regards, Pinguwien
  4. aaand again I found the answer myself... or let's say, I used the search function of this board correctly after getting some sleep here's a solution for getting multiple instances: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4894
  5. yep, it was a problem with my computer at the university. nevermind, but thanks for the reply Although, i've got yet another problem now with ImageLoader/LoaderMax...(except my bad english ) I got a local variable into a function: var cursor:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("nameofcursor.png"); I add this contentDisplay object to a movieclip and do some tweeningmagic. Then, I remove the MovieClip with removeChild(mc); After removing the MC, Into another function, I want to call another instance of : var cursor_new:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("nameofcursor.png"); and tween it around, but, and here's my problem, when I add cursor_new to my Stage/MovieClip, the old cursor appears and is tweened, although my tweencode is TweenMax.fromTo(cursor_new, 2, {x:20, y:20, scale:0.1, autoAlpha:1}, {x: 140, y: 250, scale:0.2, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:1}, autoAlpha:1, delay: 2}); At the moment, my workaround is "put alpha of cursor_new to 0 and put it to 1 while tweening", but my question is if I'm missing something or doing something completely wrong, because I don't think it's a good behavior. Would be nice if you could give me a hint, if not, i'll continue with this workaround.
  6. Hey there, now my first post... as expected, a problem I'm Dominik from germany and I'm trying to create an Animation with your great framework TweenMax and AS3. But when I compile it (flash cs4 on mac osx 10.6 at university), it shows me a white blank page after a while (the animation runs to a point where i use delayedCall and then it just goes blank.) EDIT: well, looks like i'm doing some other thing wrong i just commented the whole function and the call out, but the bug still occurs. If anybody see's what's the mess, help would be so nice! EDIT 2: Seems to rely on this f*ckin computers here... works fine after publishing it... or? If anybody notices a problem, please answer, here the published version as it is at the moment: http://nie-wieder.net/philomelostest/an ... /test.html For better understanding, here's a port of my code: ...//Called with TweenMax.delayedCall(5,lightbox, [notenKomplett, 195, 95]); from my preloadcomplete-handler. worked fine every time. protected function lightbox(lbContent:ContentDisplay, xPos:int, yPos: int){ //background var bga:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("lbBG"); var texturBg:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("bgtextur"); var cursor:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("cursor"); var logoKomplett:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("logoKomplett"); //adding to movieclip from back to front ct.addChild(bga); ct.addChild(texturBg); ct.addChild(lbContent); ct.addChild(logoKomplett); ct.addChild(cursor); trace("moin1"); //mc added addChild(ct); trace("moin2"); //tween for looking tres chic TweenMax.fromTo(lbContent, 2, {x:xPos, y:yPos, scale:0.1, alpha:1}, {x:30, y:80, autoAlpha:1,dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:1},scale:.7, delay: .2}); TweenMax.fromTo(bga,2, {x:xPos, y:yPos, scale:0.1}, {x:-5,y:-5, scale:1.2, autoAlpha:.5}); TweenMax.fromTo(texturBg,2, {x:xPos, y:yPos, scale:0.1}, {x:10,y:10, scale:1, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:40, blurY:40, distance:5},autoAlpha:1}); TweenMax.fromTo(logoKomplett, 2, {x:xPos, y:yPos, scale:0.1}, {x:30,y:12, scale:.5, autoAlpha:1}); trace("moin3"); TweenMax.fromTo(cursor, 2, {x:xPos + 20, y: yPos + 20, scale:0.1}, {x: 50, y: 50, scale:0.2, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x37393b, alpha:1,blurX:5, blurY:5, distance:1}, autoAlpha:1}); TweenMax.to(cursor, 3, {x:285, y:182, delay: 3}); trace("moin4"); //call remove ease. TweenMax.delayedCall(12, remove); } //fadeoutLightbox protected function remove(){ trace("moin"); TweenMax.to(ct, 1, {alpha:0}); } I searched the forums but found no solution, so can u please help me? The weirdest thing is: from time to time, the delayedCall (or, better, the remove-function) is called properly when I compile my script, but most of the time it just gets blank after the trace("moin4"). The Code should remove the lightbox after a defined time, so I can animate some functionality into the lightbox. Would be so glad if you could answer my question! Greetings, Dominik ps: perhaps you got a good tip how to create a button animation? I have no mouseevents, the cursor itself is an animated png.
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