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Everything posted by designdust

  1. Wow. Thanks for the fast and detailed response, this community is so alive! You make it seem so easy. I probably will spend a couple of days to figure it out. haha. I think I need to further enhance my coding skills first. I forgot that I'm using scss in vscode and pasted it directly to codepen, thus the // comment. I'm really noob. Thanks for the solution and for welcoming me. This is really helpful! Glad I asked here. I'll be retaining the Codepen so that anyone who will stumble across this can see it.
  2. Hey guys, I'm very new to GSAP. Although I can do some basic javascript, I'm having a hard time learning it. So I have attached my codepen. and here's my code that having some issues for reference. <span class="text-highlight">Hello I'm Flitz<span class="text-highlight-bg"></span></span> 1. I created an array of class "text-highlight". the problem is it only works at the first element. It's not working when the 2nd element with the same class appears on screen. 2. I have a css position:relative; in the same element so it only displays like inline block. It's working in my local server but not on codepen. When I run my code, the relative position is not appearing. It covers the entire row. Hope someone can help me, and pardon my english.
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