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Everything posted by potters_bluff

  1. Ahh, now it makes sense, and works! Thanks so much @ZachSaucier!
  2. Hmm, still doing the same behavior after switching the trigger line... I updated that pen, you can check it out.
  3. Hello, I have been searching for a while, and trying different configurations for a solution to this problem, but just can't get it working. I'm trying to run the same timeline (that has a class of .fade-wrap) each time it/any enters the viewport. As you will see in the CodePen, I have seen in other examples to wrap code with a foreach like: const fadeSections = gsap.utils.toArray(".fade-wrap"); fadeSections.forEach((fadeSection) => { animation code here }); But it still runs the timeline on both as soon as the first one enters the viewport. I'm sure this is a simple fix, but I just cannot get it! Any help is greatly appreciated!
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