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Synapsus IT AB

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Everything posted by Synapsus IT AB

  1. Hi all! So I really enjoy gsap and I've been working on a vertical fullscreen website based on Craigs codepen: So on desktop it all works fine, but I've found a mobile specific bug where if a user drags the draggable and then tries to click a button, the actions will be ignored. In this pen, https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/MzWzyv (Chrome on Android), if I drag to the bottom I can't click the "Follow @Craig" button, but if I get to the bottom via the arrows, the button works. Now I've found a solution in adding "dragClickables: false," to the draggable object, but now you need to press once outside the button after you are done dragging, otherwise the button is still unclickable. So a "hacky" patch I found to that is to programatically add a fake click right after a drag, in the specific codepen I added it to the slideAnim function under line 86 after the "dragger" check. container.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent("pointerdown")); So this fixes it, but I'm very curious about the underlying problem. Thanks for your interest
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