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Everything posted by FlorianC

  1. Ok sorry didn't know about the fork button! But if I make those animations part of the animation that is scrubbed through, they will depend on the scroll level... I kinda want them to happen directly without scrubbing effect ! What do you mean when you say, beforehand ? create the timeline before etc and just a play() in the onComplete ?
  2. Hello, I've updated my codepen (https://codepen.io/floriancario/pen/mdEowov) because I have another question... Everything is working fine now that I understood how to use scrollTrigger with stagger etc but when I scroll back up, progress lines are doing good (from scale 1 to scale 0 with stagger). But is it possible to also reverse the timeline called in "changeSlide" which is called on the onComplete of the stagger ? Thank you
  3. Oh wow I completely forgot to use the stagger option.... Actually I use the onComplete because I need to animate a background image once the progressBar reaches the 1 scale
  4. Ok sorry, should be better now ! I simplified by using just the label and progress bars. So the behavior that I'm looking for is to scrub to complete the progress bar underneath the first "Airport". Once it reaches the end, it goes the next category and so on. Here it doesn't goes to the next one... Sometimes it works but all the lines are animated at the same time even if only the current one is supposed to be animated... I use the pin option because this is a section of a landing page and i need to keep it in place while scrubbing to complete the animation. Thx
  5. Hello, First of all, thank you for creating GSAP and GSAP ScrollTrigger which make my life so much easier !! I have a problem where I need to animate a slideshow on scroll. So I used a scrollTrigger to pin the content to the top of the container. Then I need to animate the line under each category. Once the line reaches the end, it triggers the animation of the image. The problem is that every line animate at the same time and not as a sequence as it should... I checked every demos but can't find how to make it work... Sorry for the pen, it's just for code purpose as I get my data from a local json... thank you in advance
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