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  1. Hi Zach, thank you for your quick reply. Yes, I also had the feeling that is was more of a VS Code issue. And I have found the issue, it's now working like a charm. In my VS Code User Settings(JSON) my files.associations was still set to javascriptreact, not vanilla javascript. After the change from "files.associations": { "*.js": "javascriptreact", } to "files.associations": { "*.js": "javascript", } After a restart of VS Code all the suggestions now get inserted.
  2. Hi Everyone, I am new here and just discovered this "whole new world" of building websites that stand out. Here is my problem: In my main.js file, when i type gsap.set VS code shows me suggestion, but there is no way, to use the auto-completion. Neither "tab" nor "enter" will complete the code. I attached an image, so you can see what I mean. After I hit "tab" or "enter", the suggestions disappears and I will just see " gsap.set without any further code. :((( What I have done: I added the/types folder from the gsap member /npm-install-this folder to the root of my project added an empty jsconfig.json to the root of my project restartet VS Code several times checked my VS Code Settings (but was not quite sure about what to search there) Also tried the VS Code Extension "GreenSock Snippets" from Petr Tichy, but that also doesn't work I am using the CDN with GSAP Version 3.5.1, but also tried it with the version that was shipped with the starter files, which was 3.3.1 It may be hard because you can change so many settings in VS Code that its impossible to blindly find my mistake. but I hope that maybe someone else had the same issue and can help me out Thanks alot!!!
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