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  1. Hello guys, I'm trying to use scrollSmoother on a Nuxt app and it works fine on the first mount, however if I change route and get back it doesn't work anymore, is there any kind of .kill or .update that I have to do? Also using the nuxt-gsap-module Cheers, Kaique <template lang="pug"> main#smooth-wrapper(v-if="!isLoading") NuxtLink(to="/") span.hide go index ul li(v-for="image in $data.imagesToPreload") img.hide(:src=`image`) </template> <script> export default { mounted() { const images = this.imagesToPreload.map(imageSrc => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = new Image() img.src = imageSrc img.onload = resolve img.onerror = reject }) }) Promise.all(images).then(() => { this.isLoading = false }), this.$ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 1.6 }) }, data() { return { isLoading: true, imagesToPreload: [ "https://placeimg.com/1280/800/any" ] } } } </script>
  2. kaique

    Slider animation

    Does anyone know how can I create such animation using the draggle plugin? https://lassepedersen.biz/editorial/maya-maty-caroline (NSFW)
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