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Posts posted by archimedo

  1. Hi everyone,

    I've been having some troubles trying to use scrolltrigger effect inside a scrollable div. I would like to animate the two pictures at the bottom of text when, while scrolling, the bottom of their cointainer div hit the bottom of the viewport. Unfortunately the code I wrote doesn't seem to work, I was wondering if that's because I am scrolling inside a div rather than the body but I couldn't find out yet.

    Can you help me understand what I'm doing wrong?

    Thank you!

    See the Pen dyXjEPq by archemede (@archemede) on CodePen

  2. Hi everyone,

    I'd like to make a text fixed only when scrolling on a certain div (block2 class in my example).

    I was thinking that scrolltrigger plugin could be useful to achieve that, but unfortunatley I couldn't work it out. Basically I'd like the text to be fixed (in the same position as the starting absolute one) and then make it scrollable again when the green block appears on the top or  when the blue block appears on the bottom.

    Can you help me understand how to achieve this effect with scrolltrigger?

    Thank you!

    See the Pen YzWLrWP by archemede (@archemede) on CodePen

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm making a website portfolio and I'd like to animate it with GSAP. In the codepen above there's the progress of my work, another user helped me to figure out how to animate the divs when opening an element. The thing is that I'd like the content of the page (when a project is opened) to smoothly appear, instead of coming into view suddnenly. I made a simple sketch to explain how I imagine this animation.

    Can you help me understand how to achieve that?

    Thank you very much!

    See the Pen rNLMdgd by archemede (@archemede) on CodePen

  4. Hi everyone,


    I'm quite new to GSAP but I saw some examples of its use and I'd like to learn how to use it.

    At the moment I'm designing a website where I have several products with picture and description, and I'd like to give a wobble effect on the image when I hover the mouse. This is basically the effect I'm looking for


    Actually I inspected the code of that page to understand a bit more how to achieve something like that and I found out that the effect was made with GSAP itself, so I wanted to ask you: to get that kind of effect are there any GSAP function where I have to tweak their option or is something  that needs a bit more of customization?


    Thank you very much!

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