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Everything posted by Jase

  1. Top work! Works like a charm now. I did try adding the scroller handler but something I didn't do was remove the position: absolute, top and left from the #container, so thanks so much for your help on this
  2. I tried out the example and of course works great, BUT when I add the locomotive scroll library it breaks. I'm obviously missing something in my code... If you take out all the scroll library in this codepen you'll see that it's working fine. It seems like the #container is somehow preventing the smooth-scroll div from interacting. https://codepen.io/Jase2018/pen/MWJKjPe
  3. This is great! Thanks for the example ?
  4. Can this effect be achieved using ScrollTrigger? The hero section scrolls up to reveal the section sticky section below and then scrolls up once the hero section hits a certain point in the viewport. https://locomotive.ca/en/careers
  5. Brilliant!! Thanks so much to you both for helping me out with this
  6. Having trouble getting this to work with Locomotive Scroll. Works fine when locomotive scroll is disabled. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); let allVideoDivs = gsap.utils.toArray('.vid'); allVideoDivs.forEach((videoDiv, i) => { let videoElem = videoDiv.querySelector('video') ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: videoElem, start: 'top 70%', end: 'bottom 30%', markers: true, onEnter: () => videoElem.pause(), onEnterBack: () => videoElem.pause(), onLeave: () => videoElem.pause(), onLeaveBack: () => videoElem.pause(), }); });
  7. This is what I wanted help with but it's all good now... https://codepen.io/Jase2018/pen/bGBJGpY
  8. Thanks so much for responding Zach. Yes I agree, much of the work has been addressed. However, the part I'm really stuck on is adding the text. Are you able to help with this element?
  9. It seems that cuberto use data-cursor-text in the img link for the text within the dot when on hover. I've seen so many examples in codepen of the classic dot following the cursor but nothing really on how to get text to appear within the dot on hover. Cuberto bundle all the JS up so it's really difficult to decipher which parts are solely for the cursor.
  10. Thanks Richard, I've added a codepen example. See how the cursor dot expands and shows the text 'Watch' as you hover over the image.
  11. Thanks so much Richard for your response. I've tried so many examples but the one that pops up the most that is similar to what I want doesn't display the text. It's quite easy to find examples the the dot expanding on hover, but would be great to understand how I can get the text to appear as well
  12. I'd be interested in how the cursor dot hover effect is achieved on the Project images. On hover, the cursor dot grows and displays text inside the it. I truly appreciate any help Here's the site link... https://cuberto.com/projects/
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