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Posts posted by ywlee

  1. Sorry I didn't make it clear

    I expect that element to be passed to onEnter callback and have a fade in effect in the codepen, since for the flip-id=sq2  there is no positioning data in the previous state but it appears in the final state

    But in the codepen, it get flipped from the top left corner instead of fading in

  2. Hi everyone!

    As shown in the codepen, the .container2 [data-flip-id=sq2] didn't get to the elements for onEnter when there is an element(display : none) with the same [data-flip-id] in the previous state, is this a bug?

    Thanks in advance!


    EDIT:  The codepen is now using the latest beta version of Flip, so it looks perfect now.

    See the Pen BargrGa by ywlee (@ywlee) on CodePen

  3. hi everyone

    When I am playing around with the new feature of Flip, I found that setting absoluteOnLeave to true seems to break onEnter animation

    As shown in the codepen, it is all good until I uncomment that line(absoluteOnLeave: true)

    Can anyone give me a hint on how to fix this problem? Thanks in advance

    Also thank you so much to make such powerful tool available to everyone, I really have a lots of fun while playing it!

    See the Pen jOwzweB?editors=0010 by ywlee (@ywlee) on CodePen

  4. Hi everyone

    While playing Flip plugin on Codepen, I found these words in the console :


    A trial version of Flip is loaded that only works locally and on domains like codepen.io ...

    But when I downloaded the file and put a script tag in my html, it doesn't work(I'm using Parcel and a local server). I guess in this way the file doesn't know it's been used in a local environment?

     I also tried 

    import { Flip } from 'pathToFile'

    it doesn't work either...

    What should I do instead? Could anyone give me a hint?

    Thank you for reading my question:)




    Thank you so much for the quick reply! The docs answers almost every question of mine :)



    Thank you Zach!!! Sorry I didn't make my question clear.



    5 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:
    7 hours ago, ywlee said:

    Is there any different between adding (callback)function in each of them?

    Sorry, I don't understand your question. Can you try to rephrase what you're asking?

    function foo(){
      // code
    // or 
    function foo(){
      // code
  6. Hello Everyone!

    I have some question about gsap.ticker because I'm not very familiar with it.

    I found it in the codepen above

    1. Why the author didn't use normal gsap.to or gsap.set? Is it better to deal with gsap.ticker?  Is there another way to achieve the same effect without ticker?  
    2. If my understanding is correct, is gsap.ticker like some sort of requestAnimationFrame? Is there any different between adding (callback)function in each of them?
    3. If I have, for example, 3 different animations on the same page, all of them are base on mouse move, Can I create 3 gsap.tickers?


    See the Pen WNNNBpo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

  7. Dear everyone:


    I would like to drag an element smoothly(have some delay), like description below(I copied it from scrollTrigger's Doc)

    • Soften the link between the animation and the the(typo?) scrollbar the drag movement so that takes a certain amount of time to "catch up", like scrub: 1 would take one second to catch up.

    when using Draggable plugin, but I don't know if it is possible. (I think Inertia is not the solution because it's about after dragging)

    The codepen demonstrates what I mean if no one could understand my weird English.


    Also I would like to know is it a bad thing to call gsap.to in mousemove EventListener ? The event fires so many time in one second,  even before one gsap tween can properly finished, Will this cause any issue?


    I just start learning code a few months before and I can't find the answer anywhere else, thank you for reading my forum until here, and any answer will be very very appreciated!


    See the Pen GRjdKYP?editors=0010 by ywlee (@ywlee) on CodePen

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