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Everything posted by MaryamZafar

  1. Thank you so much Zach - I had gone through the documentation, and was having a hard time understanding some of the things. I will go though it more in detail. Can I just compliment on your friendly manner on the forum? I have gone through a number of posts over the last few days, and your replies are always so polite and helpful, with no judgments on anyone. Thank you always.
  2. Hello GSAP Gurus. Thank you for always helping me out. I am playing around with the ScrollTrigger Batch code - On my pen, when I scroll down the first time (On Enter) the animation for the section after the image is different, then when I go back up, scroll back down again, it is different. I want to behave like it does on the second time, which is fade in from the yaxis like it does the second time. I have played around with the gsap.to, and gsap.from methods, but don't understand what is different Many Regards, MZ
  3. THANK you so much. I will look into your article. Always a great help when pros share recommendations.
  4. My sincere apologies on not creating a pen. Here it is: https://codepen.io/meeyamzafar/pen/gOrbZEj You can see that the same behaviour is happening as I explained above. Thank you so much for the help.
  5. Hi! Thank you for your reply - If I change the parameter to none, the reverse doesnt work at all - the image fades in on scroll down, but stays there when I scroll back up...The code on the website has also been updated if you want to take a look please. here is an updated screencast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hjZWQ-1BZrNanyqmAJgYhyMlBlq2i4dQ/view?usp=sharing
  6. Hello! First of all can I just say this framework is AWESOME. I have a problem - this website, when I scroll down, everything is fine, but when I scroll back up, all my text elemets beautifully reverse their animation, except for the first case study block, which does not fade out but just suddenly disappears if I reverse before reaching the end. How do I fix this problem? The JS code is exactly the same for all of them. here is a screencast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uugbp9_ta6RLQjBYexZI-bop8qa-b1mq/view?usp=sharing This is my code: gsap.from("#case-study-1", { scrollTrigger : { trigger: "#case-study-1", start: "20px 80%", toggleActions: "play none reverse reset", markers: true, }, y: 200, opacity: 0, duration: 1 });
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