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Everything posted by karaulovskin

  1. thank you bro, I didn't want to offend you in any way. It's just my bad English!
  2. at the moment the animation using gsap is working correctly. https://codepen.io/Karaulovskiy/pen/vYGBZex?editors=0010 . Help please screw the smooth scroll
  3. How the *%$# can I get this garbage to work with each other?
  4. hi bro, i have in code - ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy("body", { scrollTop(value) { if (arguments.length) { bodyScrollBar.scrollTop = value; } return bodyScrollBar.scrollTop; } });
  5. Help me to understand! i do as in your example https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/1e42c7a73bfa409d2cf1e184e7a4248d?editors=1010 . I connect a third-party library for smooth scrolling - smooth-scrollbar, https://prnt.sc/tvp5fv https://codepen.io/Karaulovskiy/pen/vYGBZex at the time of initialization, the scroll breaks, which comes from GSAP !? On a combat project, in general, all animation breaks http://youkon.test.stratosfera.digital/local/templates/main/frontend/assets/main.html
  6. in this situation I need to add a smooth scrolling of the page, but I can't figure out how to implement it
  7. tak i ne smog razobrat'sya s 28/5000 I could not figure it out with ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy()
  8. https://codepen.io/Karaulovskiy/pen/vYGBZex?editors=0010 project http://youkon.test.stratosfera.digital/
  9. I need help! why gives an error Uncaught TypeError: _ScrollTrigger.default.scrollerProxy is not a function
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