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Posts posted by plankton

  1. The actual parallax is smooth and works perfectly for me, it just doesn't work with two items selected within the 'data-module-parallax'.


    For example, in the first test block #01 both c-blockShow_content and c-blockShow_img have the attributes applied but only the content block has parallax.


    I removed my second arrayTo in the codepen example above.


    Hope that makes sense.


    Here's the second codepen with the arrayTo within the first one: if you inspect, you can see the transform applied to both c-blockShow_content and c-blockShow_img.


    See the Pen BapRqYR?editors=0110 by plankton (@plankton) on CodePen



  2. Hi all, I'm trying to create a mini parallax gsap plugin using ScrollTrigger where you can set "data-parallax data-speed'' attributes to any item within the ScrollTrigger target  'data-module-parallax'.


    I've tried creating an arrayTo loop within the first one which kind of works but creates a bit of a janky result.


    Is there a way to achieve this? Any help would be most appreciated.


    Test Block #01 has two "data-parallax data-speed='-0.2'" applied.

    See the Pen XWpRBem?editors=1010 by plankton (@plankton) on CodePen

  3. Had the same issue, but here's the solution


    setTimeout(function () {

    var scroll = new locomotiveScroll({

    el: document.querySelector(".o-scroll"),

    smooth: true,

    getSpeed: true,

    getDirection: true


    scroll.on("scroll", function (t) {

    document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-direction", t.direction);


    }, 100);

    • Thanks 1
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