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Pavel Stianko

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Everything posted by Pavel Stianko

  1. I tried to build and preview the minimal demo and the problem is the same (see the video). I had to slow down the loading using throttling so I can see it more often. So I added ScrollTrigger.clearScrollMemory(); to the top of the page and it is working fine! ? So thank you for help @Rodrigo // prevent scroll jump problem on reload import { gsap } from 'gsap/dist/gsap'; import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger'; ScrollTrigger.clearScrollMemory(); svelte2.mp4
  2. Thank you @Rodrigo! I will try the clearScrollMemory and also I will prepare the demo - but it seeems that it is doing this only after build (not in npm run dev). Also I found out that it is working good in gsap@3.11.1, but doing this problem in gsap@3.11.2 and newer.
  3. I found out, that the same problem is at other people projects as well - like https://github.com/firasel/Gsap-Animation
  4. Sometimes, when I reload the page, the website scrolls back to top. If I remove scrolltrigger it is working fine. Any idea where is the problem? Website url: https://native.doktorklain.cz/multifokaly. I am using latest Sveltekit and Gsap. scrolltrigger (2).mov
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