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About gigito78

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  1. Thank you both, i liked both approaches and learned various things from your examples! It's my second animation with gsap and i wanted to learn how to use staggering in this situation (but will be for next time) Edited my codepen in case other peoples have same problem as me https://codepen.io/gigito78/full/GRZOZay Good work, Luigi
  2. Sorry Zach i think to be more confused. I would like to retry: I would like to reproduce (more or less) this coffee steam effect: https://www.pinterest.it/pin/521291725601208264/ I would try to semplify my code so i reedited my pen: https://codepen.io/gigito78/full/GRZOZay also added a ID to every flame Supposed that: -timeline is the same for all 3 flames. -the only parameter that should be different for every flame is the initial delay. which is the simplest and cleanest way to change only the initial delay to a single flame? (i think based on flame id or index?)
  3. Hello Zach! thanks: toggleActions: "play pause play pause" did the trick! I noticed also that you removed the string "delay: index * 1". The only problem is that now my 3 divs "icona-fiamma" are animating one after another. I would to animate together, with a little delay like before, but i'm not sure about how to proceed correctly
  4. Hello akapowl and thanks for your response. I edited my pen. My timeline tlfumo (between red div and green div) is activated from scrolltrigger - trigger: "#icone-fiamma". I would like simply that when i scroll down to green div the animation is paused, instead at the moment it is calculated indefinitely
  5. Hello guys and thanks for your product, it's great! I have a animation that i would like to go on pause when user scroll out from viewport. I was thinking to use scrolltrigger + onleave callback but i couldn't reach my goal. Can you help me? Thanks, Luigi
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