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Everything posted by ginseng

  1. I have a React component that basically draw some svg circles. How can I create a transition/animation between the two renders? What I would like is to see the points move from one position to another. const dataset = this.props.dataset <App> {dataset.map((datum, i) => ( <TheCircle key={i} datum={datum} xScale={xScale} yScale={yScale} /> ))} </App> const TheCircle: React.FC<Props> = ({ datum, xScale, yScale }) => { const { x, y, country } = datum const cx = xScale(x) const cy = yScale(y) let dotRef = useRef(null).current useEffect(() => { TweenMax.to(dotRef, 5, { cx: cx, cy: cy, ease: 'bounce.out', }) }, []) return ( <g> <circle className="" fill="none" stroke="black" strokeWidth={1} cx={cx} cy={cy} r={10} ref={(element) => { dotRef = element }} /> </g> ) } What I'm doing wrong?
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