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tailbreezy last won the day on February 25 2021

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Everything posted by tailbreezy

  1. Hello, I am using a master timeline to add two two timelines, one of which has a delayedCall. The issue is that the ".blue" (e.g the delayedCall) snaps into place without any transition. Why is that and how to fix it?
  2. This explanation made perfect sense. Thank you! As for the bug, on ZachSaucier pen you can see that when you click to play the animation and then click again all transitions properly until to the "before the tween started" kinda state. Instead of initial start value it jumps to end value. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/ZEWLgEd?editors=1010
  3. Ah. Would love to hear about this. Love the way you handled isActive and reversing and the article is perfect! Pretty sweet to use one timeline, although having a solution with two will come in handy as well (thanks to Paul).
  4. @akapowl Awesome! Exactly what I wanted to achieve. Would have never figured out that I need immediateRender in the second timelines. Also I was still using the unofficial ClassName plugin, didn't know it was in the official specs now. All in all, I owe you a beer or more
  5. Thank you, Paul. Appreciate your the pen. Unfortunately, it is not quite what I was after. I do not want to stretch the children. Just stretch/transition the parent height to match the total of the children's. And after the parent transition to apply a transition on the new children. But the children can have different heights depending on the resolution, since they could be text. Not quite sure how to deal with those display:none to display:block? Since so far this is the best way to get offsetHeight and estimate the total height of the children.
  6. Hello, New to GSAP. Being trying to figure out something all day. Hope you can help me out. Basically you have a parent with children inside. Some children have display:none; Ideally the parent has no height set and is fully derived from the children. More plausibly the parent has set height to display some of the children (e.g initial state) . Toggle a class and transition the parent to new height + animate the children. This codepen works only after the initial click. On first click it is glitchy and not in the right order. Not sure why. After the first click, it works as I intended. So this is the result that I am after minus the initial click glitch. Not fond of the code, maybe a better and simpler way to do it? And why the glitch?
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