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  1. it's okay now. my gsap version was only 3.3.4. i updated it, and now it's working fine. thank you very much! i really like gsap. thank you
  2. it's error is : Uncaught TypeError: ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy is not a function where should i put the gsap.register()? i put it on my main.js, at the very first line.. am i doing it wrong?
  3. thank you very much! it seems that the scrolltrigger script i imported in the node_modules doesn't work properly. I tried using scrolltrigger cdn, and now it's working. Thank you for helping me.
  4. sorry but is "smooth scrolling library" different from ScrollTrigger? because i only imported these scripts: <script src="./node_modules/gsap/dist/gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="./node_modules/gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger.min.js"></script> am i doing it right?
  5. hi? i just wanted to ask regarding this issue. mine is saying "Scrollbar is not defined" in this line: const bodyScrollBar = Scrollbar.init(document.body how can i fix this? thank you..
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