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Posts posted by wuergeengel

  1. 3 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    It will likely be released some time this week or soon after.


    I don't see jitter on my Macbook Pro. However, you could improve the performance still. Check out this article for performance tips related to SVG. Since you're not animating any elements inside of the SVG I'd use a regular img element. Avoiding the use of clip-path might help as well.

    I have to use a regular SVG element, my example is just an extraction, I have a lot of <g> elements that I will animate. I will also animate the wings of the bee, for example.

    The clip-path thing – I got this SVG from a designer. Is there a tool to improve this? I just know https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/ and didn't manage to find this option there.

  2. Hey, y'all! Thanks for your warm welcome! I am impressed how responsive and nice this community is – I really appreciate all of this!

    Sorry, for the missing Codepen. I use a complex SVG in a Vue component and had to figure out how to recreate it there.

    @GreenSock Thanks for your minimal example – this really helped me out and now it works (I extracted just one element from the big SVG): 

    See the Pen f9416f989595d4284e7b6f5c99dc526d by wuergeengel (@wuergeengel) on CodePen



    In the upcoming release of 3.4.0, you'll be able to do this instead (…)

    When will you release 3.4.0 – is there already a date?


  3. Hi, I am new to Greensock and I really love it so far!


    Today I was struggling with setting a random duration on a tween or timeline object. I created a helper function that returned a random value for the duration. In the tween properties I called the function on the duration property. However, the random value only was set once and the function was never called afterwards, although the animation was infinite by setting repeat: -1.


    I found the property repeatRefresh, but the docs say: 


    duration and delay do NOT refresh.


    What am I doing wrong and how can I set dynamic values for duration or delay for each new repetition of my animation? Thanks for some hints in advance!

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