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  1. So I followed https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.scrollerProxy() guide and used smooth-scrollbar lib. Everything works except pinning. Maybe I doing something wrong? It just disappear when pinning starts.
  2. Oh thank you. When you think about animation.pause(), it becomes more understandable. What I really wanted was toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" gsap.to('.container', { backgroundColor: '#fff', duration: 1, scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.wht', start: "top center", end: "bottom center", toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse", markers: true, } })
  3. Is it possible to rewrite manual trigger functions with just toggleActions? I don't understand how toggleActions works, don't link documentation, I read it but just can't grasp.
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