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  1. How do I use more than one fucntion on onToggle? I managed to make it work with one function, but when I tried to use more than one both doesn't work. tl_numbers = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".counter-sec", start:"top 100%", toggleActions: "play reset resume reset", onToggle: countingNumbers1 + countingNumbers2 } })
  2. Thank you for the anwser. I'm going to read the article. I'm sorry for codepen, the problem I'm having happens to screen with <1200px and I don't know how to force Codepen to open on mobile version. But it's ok, I'll follow all things you said.
  3. I'm trying to make a simple navbar animation, but I'm struggling with the delay. When I have to reverse the animation, it takes too long to start reversing, like 2~3 seconds. I uplodaed a gif and also linked the codepen.
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