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Araf Hossain

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Posts posted by Araf Hossain

  1. I don't know why this is happening. I have tried a lot. But whenever I comes few minutes later to the slider tab it collapse all sliders numbers and images in one place. Check the attached image. Why is this happening.


    And would you please tell me how can I make this slider exactly like this video: 


    Screenshot (3)_LI-min.jpg

    See the Pen RwKeeNe by arafnoob (@arafnoob) on CodePen

  2. 4 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey Araf. There's a demo in the ScrollTrigger docs that does this sort of thing. What you're wanting is essentially a simplified version of this demo:




    This is exactly what position: sticky was made for.

    I really appreciate your answer. But it is very complicated for me :( Is there any simple way to do? 


    Would you please give an example with my codepen code? Thank you :-) 



  3. As you can see in my codepen code there is a image and I want to fixed its position center in the section. When scrolling down it will follow the scroll.


    When the following section comes up there will be a parallax effect. That means image will stick at the bottom of that section and following sections going up over the image. 

    Here is a simple example. Like the form on that website, I want my image but in the center of viewport. 


    If you don't understand please let me know.  

    See the Pen Yzwpevj by arafnoob (@arafnoob) on CodePen

  4. 3 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey Araf. Posting more does not make your question more likely to be answered. In fact, it does the opposite because it is a little annoying :) We'll be sure to answer every question that we're able to answer (within reason). Please don't comment again if there's nothing new to add.


    As I said, you just need to change the start position of the tween that animates the background image's position. Here's a basic example:



    Sorry, for disturbing :) Have a great day :-)  

  5. 5 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    Yep, I looked. I still don't understand.

    There is a pen image as the background image on my site. http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com


    When scrolling down the image should follow the scroll but it delay, after scrolling stop then it change the background position.

    When scrolling up FAST, it shows full image of pen and give space to the top. Which I don't want. I want that pen stick to the top of that section. But when scrolling down it will change its position  to down. 

  6. 12 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    I'm not sure I understand the effect you're after, but if your goal is to animate that backgroundPosition on the 2nd element during that scrub, you can just use a timeline instead of a tween and embed it wherever you want. Since each of the panel animations lasts 0.5 seconds, you could insert it at a time of 0.5 on the timeline so that it starts at the same time the 2nd panel starts its animation: 


      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#container",
        start: "top top",
        end: "+=500%",
        scrub: 1,
        pin: true
    }).to(".panel:not(:last-child)", {
      yPercent: -100,
      stagger: 0.5
    }).to(".panel:nth-child(2)", {
      backgroundPosition: `0% 100%`,
      ease: "none"
    }, 0.5);

    However, that doesn't look at all interesting to me, so I wonder if you're trying to keep the 2nd panel in place during that part of the scrub. If that's true, you'd need to offset things in the timeline accordingly so that the rest of the panels don't animate until later...




    Does that help? 


    I appreciate what you have given to me. But it is not what I want. But I will use this to my another project :)  So advance thank you :-D 


    Check out this site http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com on the 3rd section where pen is in the  background. that pen's position is moving when I am scrolling but not moving asap when scroll is moving. I have set whole section for "Scrub: 2" because I want the smooth scrolling. 

    If you see in my website when scrolling down that background coming down but not catching the sidebar-scroll asap. Taking time to catch the sidebar-scroll. For this reason, when scrolling up it shows the full background image. Which is awkward. 


    Try to scroll my website you will get my point of view.


    Check my pin update what i did in there. Set the background position. 

  7. Hey there you can see I have a image in the second section. I just want to set the background position and move that when scroll. I know it is possible to do with the timeline but I have already used that timeline for all the sections. 


    So, I don't know how to move that specific image when scroll. And I have tried this code. From & To.  But this wouldn't work. I don't know why. 

    gsap.from(".panel:nth-child(2)", {
      backgroundPosition: `2% 0%`,
    gsap.to(".panel:nth-child(2)", {
      backgroundPosition: `0% 100%`,
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#container",
        scrub: true,

    Is there anyone who can help me with this thing 😕   

    See the Pen Yzwpevj by arafnoob (@arafnoob) on CodePen

  8. 5 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    The end position is obviously off. They're all going to the same position. 


    We can't help you with this information. if you would like our help, please create a minimal demo on CodePen that recreates the issue.

    Hey I solved it with the "<span>" tag and "data-url" attr. 


    Whatever thanks to you :-D 

  9. 4 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    The end position is obviously off. They're all going to the same position. 


    We can't help you with this information. if you would like our help, please create a minimal demo on CodePen that recreates the issue.

    Hey, I have a solution, would you please tell me? is there possible to add 'scrollBy' function in there?? 

  10. 13 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    As far as I can tell that's just loading the assets. Regardless, it's minified so we can't figure out what the issue is.

    By the way, have you seen that? after manually scrolling down to the another section. Then, when I click on the side nav links; It goes up as we wanted. But it's not going down when we click on those same links :-( 

  11. 6 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    It's very hard for us to debug on a live site. I'm guessing something is wrong in your script but I can't say what.


    If you're sure your script is correct, try stripping out other things until it starts working. Then figure out what is causing conflict.


    By the way I see that you loaded GSAP 1 as well on that page. No need for that.

    I just want you to see this script. http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com/wp-content/plugins/revslider/public/assets/js/rbtools.min.js?ver=6.0.5


    And I have removed GSAP 1. 

    In this script there are some 'ScrollToPlugin' codes. Press the 'ctrl+f' then find the scrolltoplugin. You will understand. Do you think it is affecting something on my site?

  12. 3 minutes ago, ZachSaucier said:

    On my phone now. Check the console. Also did you realize that I changed the HTML and CSS some?

    I have seen all of those HTML & CSS changes. I have seen my console too. When i click on the links there is no error. I have seen tons of examples and tons of site :-( .. Feeling soooo lonely. 


    Sorry for disturbing when you available on your PC then please check this site. http://araf.dynamicflowdev.com/

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