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  1. You're right Jack. I using the arrow function of ES6
  2. O My Goooooddddddd!!!! I'm really sooooorry about this happening. I found out the cause of problem. The problem is that IE11 not support ES6 (In my case, arrow function)..... lol Thanks for your helping. Have a nice Day
  3. It is honor to meet you, Jach!!! Could you tel me how did you fix it?? I have a same problem with my project... maybe I think ' ScrollTrigger.create({blar~ blar})' is make issue.... (It just my opinion... ) I use gsap v3.3.3 and ScrollTrigger v3.3.3 before the my js code. I don't have an idea... // 'use strict'; ScrollTrigger.name = "ScrollTrigger"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); /* Main Page Animation */ (function() { // Top of Main var section01after = CSSRulePlugin.getRule('.main_section01::after'); var mainLoadTL = gsap.timeline(); var sec01BgFadeoutTL = gsap.timeline(); var sec01BgFadeInTL = gsap.timeline(); mainLoadTL .from(section01after, {duration: 5, top:'-40px'}) .from('.main_section01 .bottom_bg', {duration: 3, opacity:0, delay:1}, '0') .addLabel('label1', '.5') .from('h1 span', {stagger: 0.15, duration: 1, opacity:0, y:10}, 'label1') .from('h1+.tit_desc', {duration: 1, opacity:0, y:10}, 'label1+=1.3') .from('h1+.tit_desc .em', {duration: .7, opacity:0, x:5}, 'label1+=2') .from('h1+.tit_desc .em span > span', {duration: 1.5, opacity:0}, 'label1+=2.5') ; sec01BgFadeoutTL .pause() .to(section01after, {duration: 1, top:'-100px', opacity: 0}) ; sec01BgFadeInTL .pause() .to(section01after, {duration: 1, top: 0, opacity: 1}) ; // section01 pin control ScrollTrigger.create({ markers: true, trigger: '.main_section01', pin: true, // pinSpacing: false, start: '1 top', // end:'+=50', onEnter: () => { document.querySelector('.main_section01').classList.remove('deactivated'); sec01BgFadeoutTL.restart(); }, onLeaveBack: () => { document.querySelector('.main_section01').classList.add('deactivated'); // mainLoadTL.restart(); sec01BgFadeInTL.restart(); } }); })();
  4. Hi! I'm a biggest fan of gsap. First of all, I'm not good at English(because I'm native Korean). so please understand my language. return to the subject, I have a problem in my project with ScrollTrigger. I have to make a website that is good to cross-browsing. but scrollTrigger is not working in IE11... Is it not appropriate at build for ie11 ? please check this link in ie11 ... I want to use ScrollTrigger to my project. plz help me!!
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