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Everything posted by Lichay

  1. I don't understand why you don't see it can you upload a picture? to see it. yes I think to add overflow but when I am doing it, it block overflow on top and scrolling on top gone just try it on code and you can see it. just add it on code and see what I mean I know no one need to help but I give him all info and he try to "lower head" and I hate people that doing this
  2. look on the arrow , have two scrolling instead one
  3. wow u r seriously! I sent a pictures for you type everything why it so hard with you it basic understanding
  4. Take some pictures watch black arrow that I picture inside, It show to you on first picture two scrolling on the right and a second picture it show to you white hole under footer container. you can see it yourself with codepen link above^
  5. I just want the extra spacing be off and pinSpacing isn't help for this problem. Have white space under footer container should be block and scrolling down on parallax container be block too
  6. When I am use parallax effect and scrolling down it shown an extra white space how can block it without disturb full effects on top and bottom parallax. Moreover the is -data-speed="0.3"- if I am changing it to 0.9 for example it still do the same problem, it feel the first record on html is read and stay with extra space. How can I fix that issue? Thanks.
  7. Lichay

    Gsap + media query

    Thanks ye I start to love Gsap, already use it for two website that I have developed
  8. Lichay

    Gsap + media query

    If I want to use Gsap only if my size of screen lower then X if possible with Gsap special query or I need to use for example // media query event handler if (matchMedia) { var mq = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 800px)"); mq.addListener(WidthChange); WidthChange(mq); } have another way in Gsap?
  9. yep, anyway that why I did "addEventListener"
  10. 1. I change to "<" do the same instead 0 2. https://greensock.com/docs/v2/Easing oh it older version good to now 3. done you can see the block on this https://codepen.io/lichaytiram/pen/ZEpzNBW
  11. 1. "-=" doing that left and right be together. 2. I am copy it from doc. 4. I did scaleZ for more reality I am think it do something I use mouse listeners because I try first use simple hover and Gsap block me - somehow can't use on same object Gsap + hover
  12. I did it and still don't work well stack in first load https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-low-performance-lqllf?file=/src/app/app.component.ts
  13. yes I can see it now but this still wired , because without gsap the images loading well.
  14. if I use this pictures without GSAP I show well moreover you can change this pictures and still have the same problem
  15. without pictures this is isn't useful. better delete Gsap and use images. but i want both of them if Gsap isn't support it i'll use another framework for my website
  16. what do you mean ? without gsap it work well
  17. Gsap - low performance when scrolling down. if you scrolling down gsap stack for some second why it happened ? it should be good performance but it feel very bad when it touch imgContainer and go inside flex it stack How can I fix this issue Thank for helping comment: 'when you try it after sometimes it work smoother, but still bad experience for customers' https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-low-performance-lqllf?file=/src/app/app.component.html:268-272
  18. Hey , I fix this problem so I come back to share with you. I did only update for Gsap and it fix this issue . Thanks for helping anyway.
  19. I did/ https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-size-bsus3 but you must use it in regular running and not by this website
  20. you have bug in your gsap ! if you delete it from body it work /* overflow-x: hidden; */ but if you use it on regular application it isn't work properly copy this code to angular project I created a new project with only that code and do the same problem
  21. it scroll in Visual Studio Code on that website it stack somehow try to copy it to Visual Studio Code and see the problem
  22. Gsap resize cover with parallax (mobile match) I am try to reside to size of my container and it isn't return back I add some video with code to see my problem it happened when you scroll little down on gsap object. How can I fix this issue ? https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-size-bsus3 on this website it work good because you must little scroll down on that 1500px
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