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Ayush Singh

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  1. Hi all, Thanks for amazing plugin, been waiting for a long time. As per my understanding we can use st.scroll() method to get/set the position. I used to jump to a progress using this method earlier in ScrollMagic. (See how I get the triggerPosition and add it to progress * duration) this.controller.scrollTo(this.controller.Scene.triggerPosition() + progress * this.controller.Scene.duration()); This is my code this.controller = ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: '.how-it-works', animation: this.howitworksTimeline, pin: true, start: 'top top', end: '+=500%', scrub: true, markers: { startColor: 'green', endColor: 'red', fontSize: '12px' } }); const progress = this.progressMap(idx); const top = this.howitworksController.start + (progress * 5000); window.scrollTo({ top, behavior: 'smooth' }); I have written 5000 explicitly as I know scene duration. How do I programmatically get scene duration? EDIT: I figured it out, Here is the solution: const progress = this.progressMap(idx); const top = this.howitworksController.start + (progress * (this.howitworksController.end - this.howitworksController.start)); window.scrollTo({ top, behavior: 'smooth' }); * .end - .start is the duration for the scene so this should work fine. Thanks again!
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