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Jim Balbin

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  1. Hello, I have this problem with the following: I want the first section to be visible and continue to the end and continue browsing. the navigation buttons does not work for me to return. https://codepen.io/jim-balbin/pen/dyGXOpg
  2. Thanks Zach, ur example is here: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/YzyaKrq?editors=1010 I will try to adapt it to my need with your navigation. thanks for the demos and i'm going to read the documentation. Can I write you here if something is difficult for me?
  3. Hi, I have run ScrollTrigger (in Swiper Slider), but I think I'm failing in the css. I am sending you a demo and below is another one made with ScrollMagic which is how I would like it to be applied in Swiper. Maybe using ScrollMagic if it can be done but I have trouble applying it. The goal is As shown in Swiper Slider but to work as the ScrollMagic.
  4. Thank you for supporting ZachSaucier. Look, I have run ScrollTrigger (in Swiper Slider), but I think I'm failing in the css. I am sending you a demo and below is another one made with ScrollMagic which is how I would like it to be applied in Swiper. Maybe using ScrollMagic if it can be done but I have trouble applying it. The goal is As shown in Swiper Slider but to work as the ScrollMagic. Demo http://gd-02.dhdinc.org/contacto/ Custom JS http://gd-02.dhdinc.org/wp-content/themes/manya/custom.js?ver=5.4.2 (line 70 - Swiper | line 390 - ScrollMagic)
  5. Thank you for your response and I hope not to bother you with my difficulties, I was watching and if it seems to be. The objective of my scroll slider is as follows: When I get to the slider container, the user can see using the scroll with fade, dots or next navigation effects in 100vh without being interrupted by another container. When you reach the last slide, continue browsing the web. in the same way when returning to the first slider navigate the upper containers.
  6. The content I do with the elementor visual builder, but behind it I apply the jquery and javascript codes. I have an example but I'm trying to get it to come out as the example. Demo : http://gd-02.dhdinc.org/contacto/ my custom code is here http://gd-02.dhdinc.org/wp-content/themes/manya/custom.js?ver=5.4.2 (line 361)
  7. Thanks for your reply, I am fascinated with your library. can you help me on how can I do it this way? scroll through the section and navigate my page before and after the scroll Thanks! I use Elementor plugin in Wordpress
  8. hello, in the japortegijs example, can I add nav and vertical dots to it? If possible, can you give me a little example please, I still need to know your libraries
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