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Everything posted by nattha

  1. Hi folks, I'm trying to create a draggable Slider with only the GSAP Observer not with the Draggable Plugin. I guess it's somehow possible since the onDrag(e) Event receives all the necessary data to create momentum after the user stops dragging. Any ideas? ?
  2. Thank you for the quick response! Works gracefully. I just updated my pen.
  3. Hi all, I want to recreate this Animation: https://res.cloudinary.com/delicious-cookie/video/upload/v1635782143/Screen_Recording_2021-11-01_at_16.55.02_pwhzt6.mov I'm trying to deform the ball depending on the velocity / acceleration of the mouse. The quicker the movement the narrower the ball gets. Is there a GSAP Plugin that can help me with that?. muchas gracias in advance.
  4. Hi everyone, I would like to create this curved button underline hover effect. Is there a way to set the length of the SVG Path based on the text length in the <span> element? It should look like in the screenshot down below.
  5. I would like to update the tween height based on the current window height. Because in Safari Mobile the window.innerHeight changes when we scroll (Bottom Navbar of the browser). I saved the timeline in a constant. Is there a way to update the height property without to set the whole new timeline? const tl = gsap .timeline({ paused: true, }) .to('.navbar', { height: window.innerHeight, duration: 0.3, ease: 'power2', backgroundColor: '#8E0919', }) window.addEventListener('resize', e => { // update tweeen height with window.innerHeight })
  6. Works perfectly. Thanks for the quick response!
  7. Does anyone know how to fade a text in and out again using the ScrollTrigger Plugin? Like the Apple Airpods Pro Product Page: https://www.apple.com/airpods-pro/ On Scroll the Text slides up and simultaneously fades in. If we scroll further the text fades out und the next text fades in. I've found a similar pen but the section only fades out. Thank you for your help!
  8. Hi all, Loving the vibe here? This is my first post in the forum ever. I'm trying to implement a scroll based Lottie animation with GSAP 3 and the ScrollTrigger plugin. I've found a solution with GSAP 2 and ScrollMagic but things changed in the newest Version. Does anyone has a working example? Thanks for your support. Cheers, Nattha
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