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Everything posted by NickNo

  1. That’s awesome thanks for the suggestions...
  2. Thanks for that ... @mikel I didn’t realize you could use scale -3 in this way so that’s definitely useful to know, and @ZachSaucier yes I’ll have to pay much more attention to how paths are actually created before animating...
  3. So, I've got a SVG image of a landscape which will have a bunch of different animations happening in the background. One of these is a group of about 5-6 cows with flicking tails. These are all exactly the same, but with staggered tail flicks ..my question is - is the best approach here to just have separate cows in the html, all with different IDs (and tail IDs) and separate timeline functions for each - or is there a smarter way to approach it?? Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  4. Thanks Mikel, the alignment issue makes more sense: For the flipping of the car once its starts animating - I've fixed it by using "scaleY:-1,scaleY:-1" - I'm just trying to understand WHY that happens...?
  5. Ok, I'm a few days into playing around with gsap, and starting to really love it... getting stuck on a few things - here are a couple I'd appreciate some help with... I have an object on a path, but when I animate it, its upside down - I've tried a few things like trying to rotate in the .set() but that doesn't seem to work...is this something I can do in gsap, or should I do it elsewhere (css?). https://codepen.io/nickjacobsnz/pen/abdZdmZ The second question is about align:"self" using motionPath - I've read the docs and posts but still can't get my head around it - if I do the same animation, but with align:"self" I'm driving off the road - is "self" the path, or something else? https://codepen.io/nickjacobsnz/pen/wvMWMWY Thanks again:)
  6. I feel like I'm contributing when I answer my own questions haha. I did find this tip from @PointC which was a quick Illustrator fix without having to code 2 sets of line animations: "Quick tip: when you create your path, place a temporary arrowhead on the beginning of it via the stroke panel in your vector software. If the direction is incorrect, you can easily reverse it. In Adobe Illustrator you do that by the menu Object --> Path --> Reverse Path Direction. Once it's going in the desired direction, simply remove the arrowhead and export."
  7. OK, I do have one more question on animating lines So, I've found that some of the animation is moving the wrong way when I animate the strokeDashOffset - is there any easy way to fix this other than going back and redrawing in illustrator, or doing something like I've done here - a separate .reversed animation: https://codepen.io/nickjacobsnz/pen/oNbxoGx
  8. OK, I don't blame you for not understanding - it wasn't very clear, and in fact I was just confusing myself by not reading the code properly So, just to tidy up without the rest of the guff, and just focus on the line, this is the exact answer you gave and what I needed https://codepen.io/nickjacobsnz/pen/LYGGXJx
  9. Just as an aside... I bought this into svgator with the water as solid (undashed) lines, which the tool has obviously converted into lots of ellipse paths... is there any way or advantage of doing this in GSAP? Ie animating a solid path into dashes rather than animating lots of paths of existing dashes?
  10. That’s awesome thanks Zach! Amazing how hard it is to find something when you don’t quite know what to search for :) ... this forum looks to be super helpful and responsive! Thanks again
  11. Luckily started reading the svg gotchas thread and found this: https://greensock.com/forums/topic/13681-svg-gotchas/?do=findComment&comment=57942 hopefully can make something like this work...
  12. I did this as a quick mockup using svgator, and now need to incorporate a few objects which have these moving dashed lines into a gsap project - (first project so please bear with :)) Is this possible to do in gsap (the moving dashed line) - and can someone please point me in the right direction...?
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