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Everything posted by TrulyNewbie

  1. Hi, does anyone know how I can make the mask be center of the cursor on load? At the moment it snaps to the cursor as soon as you move it. I was also thinking if there was a way to delay the movement? like it follows the cursor? Maybe that will combat the jump
  2. Hi, I have an idea I just can't seem to execute. I want to pin the middle section ".flip-bounds" whilst the animation of the cards are flipping. But it seems like it gets stuck. You can not finish the flip animation (order: yellow card, blue card then red card), and you can not get to the 3rd div ".after". I've tried pinSpacing: false, & pinType:"fixed", but fixed caused the entire div to disappear. Any help would be great! Thank you
  3. Thank you for your help. This demo gave me the code i was thinking of - https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KVVNjy yPercent:function(index){ return index * 2}, ^^^ That's what I had mind. Thank you again!
  4. Hi, a GSAAP question I believe. So at the moment I have an animation where the divs are scattered and when they gather I want them to have a 2% margin from each other. But all divs have the same name. So I figured I’d have to do it dynamically
  5. Hi, I've read the docs, but I'm still unsure. What is the opposite of random() ? I want my divs to be "yPercent:2" away from eachother Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone, I'm using the new flip tool for the first time, and I'm trying to move my .load-text from the centre of the screen to the .intro div. My issue is that theres a jump .load-text does. How do I combat this issue? Thank you all for your continued help
  7. TrulyNewbie


    Thank you for your compliment (it has made my day) and thanks for your advice! I removed the filter and it worked! Thank you so much. Bless you
  8. TrulyNewbie


    Hi, I've put together my site here [RETRACTED] but my portfolio section is sooooo laggy on safari and a little choppy on chrome. I've read through the tips and documentation today before asking for help, and I thought keyframes maybe the answer. But I can't get it to work. I tried to merge the array with the keyframes but I'm stuck. I added will-change transform to the 3 divs, but I read online that it maybe over kill I also thought it may be my image size, but that's not the issue either. Locomotive and gsap are my only external files. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you
  9. Hi Zach, On WordPress I have a repeater field that I’ve pinned. It works. But I’ve chosen to not have a background color on the Main pin because I want a stacked affect. In side the pinned div is a column for an image. I basically want the image to disappear as I scroll to the next pinned element. is there a way I can privately send you a link to my site so you can see what I mean? thank you
  10. Hi, I've been trying to figure this out all day. I have a pinned section with the same div name. That works. When I scroll away from the pin, I want it to fade out (onLeave) as the new one settles in. How can I make this happen? Because of the divs having the same name (ac f repeater field), I know it has to be and array of some sort but I just can't figure it out. I tried to make a array timeline with a let = leavesection.. Please help when me you can. Thank you.
  11. Hi @zloycoder Thank you for your hard work putting this together. I have a question, how do I change the scroll to locomotive scroll and still make it work? I've switched it out, but I just can't get it to work. Please could you have a look at it for me? Any pointers will be such a help. Thank you https://codepen.io/NewbieRuby/pen/XWKQQmM
  12. Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry to be a pain, but if you click the button repeatedly, it starts and stops (causing a flash). How can I make it so the transition completes before the being pressed again? Thank you
  13. Thank you, but I'm unsure where to add this? And I'm not sure if I explained myself properly, but what I want is that each click (open and close button) completes before being clicked again. At the moment I can click and close quickly causing a flash Here is my code pen -https://codepen.io/NewbieRuby/pen/bGeQWbQ Thank you
  14. Hi, if you spam click the button the animation keeps playing and replaying. How can I make it so it's like one press = one animation complete? Thank you
  15. Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it. My last question is how can I make it so when I pass over the section without moving the mouse? I've tried onmouseover / onmouseout Right now if the user is scroll using the trackpad, and the cursor is kept dead still, the cursor doesn't transition. I appreciate any help Thank you
  16. Hi, I've looked on the forum and I've seen the suggestion of using this - https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WNNNBpo But I want to keep it inside of an area (pink), and it scales out on mouseLeave How can I achieve this? Thank you
  17. Hey, But by the time I get to the second text it’s already loaded. The code doesn’t work together, they’re just beside one another
  18. Hey, I've made a codepen (which I should have done in the beginning) https://codepen.io/NewbieRuby/pen/RwamprK How do I merge my code? I've posted both of my snippets, but I'm having trouble. So what I have is an overflow parent and the text is the child. But I only want it be triggered when scrolled into view.
  19. Hi, I haven't made a code pen. Because I didnt think I need one. But I wanted to created an overflow hidden split text. But, I wanted to do it utils.Array with a scroll trigger, so each div with the same name reacts at the same time.. Thank you for your continued help
  20. Sorry I'm back! I want to create something like this: https://cuberto.com/ The text to the left, and image fixed to the right. I don't want my image to mask in and out, but just fade in and out I just can't get it right. Thanks again
  21. Hi, I'm trying to create a pinned effect. I want the image and text to remain fixed and as you scroll, so the image and text fade out and the next div fades in. Ithink I'm close but it's just not smooth. I want the effect to feel like your scrolling on the spot... I'd really appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you (I'm also using a loop on wordpress, so all the divs have the same name.)
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