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Everything posted by Skafec

  1. Hello @Shaun Gorneau Sorry to bother you once again, but is there any way to just move the element once and not move it once it is clicked again? I removed the else statement which doesn't render the rest of the elements anymore, but if I click on the element again, it moves to it's original place. Thanks & Regards, Skafec.
  2. Hey @Shaun Gorneau I made few modifications to your solution and it works great! Thanks for your help!
  3. Hey guys, So I have this use case. I currently have gallery of portfolio images on home page. These are links for their own single blog posts. These are taken from prismic through API. On click I have function where every image except the clicked one is hidden. To hide other links I use the following code: gsap.to(".hide", { opacity: 0, display: "none", ease: "power3.out", duration: 0.6 }); Now I would like to animate the remaining image to get at the start of the gallery. Right now it jumps to start of the gallery when other elements are hidden. Generally every image should have the ability to animate to the top left corner of the wrapper. After that I would like to scale image up once single post content is rendered. Any ideas on how to make this happen? Thanks & Regards.
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